It usually doesn't happen that often for solo or small devs because it's a PAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAIN to configure at first, but once you learn the ropes it comes out quite nicely. At first I really didn't want to add it tbh, but I'd like to have as many people playing the game as possible without having to deal with fixed inputs ruining the whole thing.
That's what the stairs are for, after all!
AH HELL YEAH! Not many games let you rebind controls which is a shame isn't standard these days.
It usually doesn't happen that often for solo or small devs because it's a PAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAIN to configure at first, but once you learn the ropes it comes out quite nicely. At first I really didn't want to add it tbh, but I'd like to have as many people playing the game as possible without having to deal with fixed inputs ruining the whole thing.
That's what the stairs are for, after all!