2024, fun year ahead right? Well...
First things first: after 12 years, I quit my job as a teacher. "Burnt" doesn't even begin to describe the previous year regarding working as such, so now I'm on standby regarding income (comms are open yet again, so if you like what I draw/do and you want something custom feel free to send me a message).
Good news though: I'm back at making games yayyyyyyy. I finished putting everything together for the next one (previous project is on hiatus, it's taking me a lot to figure some things out), so hope you enjoy it once it comes out. It's called Plomo, and it will be a short experience just to remove the rust a bit.
Hope you enjoy it!
Oh buddy, I can tell there is a growing trend of teachers quitting due being impossible to deal with this new gen, a shame to see another one leaving the teaching grounds, but happy to see being able to pursue those passion prrrrojects of yours, very PRRRRRAH! take care buddy!
Thanks for the kind words! I still love teaching though, but I'd rather seek stuff that can actually allow me have time for myself while paying better, and sadly being a teach doesn't offer neither.