Hi there!
I'm writing this just to give a small heads up about the rest of this month. Since I'm in need of a job lately I'm taking any chance or opportunity I can to make money, and there's a writing contest in my country with a nice prize for the winner, so I'm going to spend what's left of March writing a short novel (150 pages) for the contest (it ends on April). It's in Spanish, but being honest if I don't win I'll just straight up translate it to English as well and publish it on my own. This means that I won't post more Baldomero's Ballad content until April. Good thing is that the only thing left to do for the game is the levels, so the hard work is already over.
Sorry if you were looking forward to more regular content and posts, but C.R.E.A.M. (get the money, dollar dollar bills yo).
Have a great end of the month and see you on April!