I want to divert your eyes towards these 2 small icons for a second:
You played the OG Castlevania, you know what those are. If you haven't, that's just a power up featured in the original game, Dracula's Curse and Super Castlevania IV (and Chronicles but come on that's a remake of the first game don't be one of those people). This basically allows you to use an equipped subweapon in your prosession (it's been a long day let me make outdated jokes) more than once before you have to wait for it to stop being on-screen. Are we all now in the same boat? Yeah? Great! Now please stare at this set of events:
That's the sequence of events for the Fire Bomb subweapon. And it's because of this wonderful, WONDERFUL sequence of events that I'm going to remove the Double and Triple Shot from the game. Why, you might be wondering?
You see, sometimes when people enjoy rummaging around game files they find stuff that makes them wonder "hmm, I wonder why this was not included in the final game?" and then they start making their own conspiracy theories about it. Well, not with this dev trust me. If I remove or discard something from any of the projects I'm working on, I want to be as clear as possible with the people that will be playing my games. I think it also helps folks understand that making certain features in a video game is not as "simple" as they believe. Again, see any of my posts regarding stairs.
Small update just to give you a heads up about how sometimes you think you have everything figured out only to say "hey, I wonder why I didn't try this before?" and then have to scrap everything in order to make things work. You can always learn from mistakes though, so try to keep it positive if you ever have to deal with something like this.
RIP Double and Triple Shot, I won't miss you that much (but the players will, I guess?)
PS nevermind I fixed it yay :D